FRUIT FLY OUTBREAK - Renmark and the greater Riverland area currently have a number of fruit fly outbreaks.  This has resulted in restrictions applying to the movement of at-risk fruit and vegetables within our region. To further understand these restrictions, please visit when planning your visit.

To help you plan your pet friendly time in the Renmark area, we have compiled an ever-expanding list of places to see, stay, eat and relax so you and your furry friend don’t miss out on a thing!  View our pet friendly brochure or drop into the Visitor Centre, pick up a town map and discover what other attractions there are to experience to make your pet friendly stay in Renmark a memorable one! 




Take a read of some of our travel tips and suggestions so you can have the best #rivertime experience possible ....

  • Animals must be kept on a lead at all times in public spaces, including the popular Renmark Riverfront area and walking trails.
  • You are responsible for cleaning up after your pets in public spaces, parks, sports grounds and camping areas to keep the areas nice and clean so everyone can enjoy the surroundings. Bag dispensers are located along popular path areas.
  • Please do not leave your pets unattended or else they may find other eager travellers to spend their holiday with!





Located on the corner of Paringa and Seventeenth Streets in Renmark, the dog park is a dedicated off leash space that features a water tap, bins, shade, poo bag dispensers and a range of obstacles. The Park has been developed for socialisation and exercise of pets and owners in an enclosed area.

Please follow the dog park rules to ensure a safe and enjoyable off-leash experience for you, your dog and others at all times:

  • Respect all park users
  • Ensure your dog is registered
  • Make sure your dog is vaccinated to help keep them healthy
  • Maintain effective control and supervise your dog at all times
  • Remove your dog if it annoys, intimidates or becomes aggressive towards other dogs
  • Adults must supervise children at all times
  • Clean up after your dog and dispose of waste appropriately
  • Maximum of two dogs per person
  • Make sure your dog is already socialised
  • Avoid bringing food and toys into the park

Please note the owner of the dog is responsible for their dog's actions at all times including whilst in the dog exercise yard.

National Parks

Renmark is surrounded by National Parks and Reserves, who over time, have become more accepting of sharing these beautiful spaces with pets. Please refer to the National Parks section of this website to check which parks are also happy to welcome your four-legged friend!

Pet Friendly Accommodation