FRUIT FLY OUTBREAK - Renmark and the greater Riverland area currently have a number of fruit fly outbreaks.  This has resulted in restrictions applying to the movement of at-risk fruit and vegetables within our region. To further understand these restrictions, please visit when planning your visit.

Book your Renmark experience with us...

The popular and much anticipated Renmark Riverfront Markets offer a morning of free fun for locals and visitors alike, attracting a vast range of stallholders, tasty food and drinks, entertainment and children’s activities.

The Markets are scheduled to align with school holiday periods and over long weekends to encourage strong attendance and traditionally attract over 2,500 people!   

In 2024, the Markets will be temporarily moving just around the corner to the Jarrett Memorial Gardens on James Avenue while the Renmark Riverfront Wharf redevelopment project is underway.  The redevelopment will create an inviting new space for when we return in 2025.  To find out more about the project, visit Council’s website here.


To make it easier to be part of the Renmark Riverfront Markets, we are implementing a new software program that will capture all registration information in an online form and allow us to manage the events more efficiently.  If you would like to be added to our database, please email your details to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. - we love welcoming new faces!

The Renmark Riverfront Markets are proudly presented by the Renmark Paringa Council.  Please contact our team on 08 8580 3060 with any queries.