FRUIT FLY OUTBREAK - Renmark and the greater Riverland area currently have a number of fruit fly outbreaks.  This has resulted in restrictions applying to the movement of at-risk fruit and vegetables within our region. To further understand these restrictions, please visit when planning your visit.

Book your Renmark experience with us...

If you need further assistance in discovering more about Renmark, Paringa, Lyrup or the Riverland region, please contact our knowledgeable and friendly staff at the Renmark Paringa Visitor Information Centre -

 Icon    Renmark Riverfront  84 Murray Avenue  Renmark  SA  5341

 icon2    9am to 4.30pm Monday to Friday

         10am – 2pm Saturdays, Sundays and Public Holidays

         (Closed Christmas Day and Boxing Day)

 phone icon    1300 661 704

 email    This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.